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Dynamic partitions: Creating flexible spaces owing to a simple assembly process

XXL panels are more and more often implemented as wooden sliding doors in housing environment, turning them into mobile partitions. Find out below why flexibility has become a trend in interior spaces division, now that users require more autonomy and flexibility when using in their home interiors.

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Strategies for boosting natural light in interior spaces

Modern architecture was born from the systematic use of steel, concrete and glass. These materials, perfected by the industrial revolution, permitted the reduction of some structural elements and the ability to do away completely with many spatial dividers. This change allowed better continuity and flow in architectural interiors. The transparency of glass, used as a spatial partition, has become synonymous with modernity, and permits architects to use natural light as another design element in their projects.

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Drop ceiling installation with KLEIN+: Intuitive and Invisible

A good design must imply an easy and intuitive assembly. KLEIN+ sliding systems have been designed for their perfect architectural integration, even in false ceiling designs. At KLEIN you will find all the solutions to create false ceiling installations with recessed and hidden guides. Get rid of aluminum in your home and discover a new division of interior spaces where the absence of aluminum and construction materials improves the harmony of the space.

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Revitalize your workplace with glass office walls

Older office buildings often contain older design styles: small offices with walls, doors, and partitions that separate the employees. Modern designers now understands the benefits of using glass office walls to open up the space, and companies are finding that employees have increased productivity and happiness levels with these types of design features. If you are in an old, drab, poorly lit office space, it can be easily updated to create a bright and happy environment.

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Telescopic glass doors systems deliver results

Gensler Newport Beach, a branch of the award-winning San Francisco design firm, chose KLEIN EXTENDO telescopic glass door hardware when designing a new 23,000 square foot workspace, built on its own unique blend of workplace analysis and residential design.

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Liquid architecture for a Liquid Life

In a span of just 100 years, the twentieth century has inundated our part of the world with countless new circumstances. Changes to our lifestyle, the way we work, the way we live, and the way we relate to others have multiplied. "Liquid life, just like liquid modern society, cannot keep its shape or stay on course for long."” (Z. Bauman)

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How to make your space with ADA stanards accessible beautifully

A favorite of architects, designers and contractors, our sliding glass doors meet or exceed Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards without sacrificing design aesthetics. In this article we explain the importance of complying with the ADA regulations in your adapted space division projects.

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5 tips you need to know before installing a sliding door

Buying a system in order to install sliding doors is a very simple process if we have all the necessary information about our installation. In this article, we explain the five things you need to know to quickly and easily configure your KLEIN sliding door hardware kit. You will save time when purchasing the profiles and, also, during the assembly phase.

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Is an open floor concept on its way out?

Dividing residential spaces is a hot topic of debate among architects and designers. Many people wonder if the open floor concept is on its way out, but is this the case? Short answer: We think the open floor plan is simply evolving to include hardware that introduces flexible design. This article will explore why people are putting up dividers in open floor concepts and why there is a need to evolve the open floor concept.

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How to make important strides toward leed certification

In the actuality, how projected, empieza thinking in the sostenibilidad. Knowing that the energetically efficient buildings can be more beautiful - in addition to only hormigón o de madera recuperada, las amplias vistas y el mobiliario contemporáneo-pero también eres conscious that benefiting al medio ambiente has the personas that los utilizan. En este artículo te explicamos todo lo que necesitas saber sobre los minimal requisitos en materia de iluminación que necesitas para llevar a cabo tus plans de división de espacios.

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Aesthetics, durability and tranquility, three key elements in interior design projects

The comfort of users in interior spaces of the home is an increasingly important factor when planning our project or renovation of interior spaces. A residential space that promotes warmth and tranquility makes our domestic environment a welcoming, pleasant and comfortable place. At KLEIN, we have published this article to explain to you what the key elements are for users in residential space division and partition projects.

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Sliding doors for wardrobes: customize them for your project with KLEIN

Wardrobes and walk-in closets play an important role in the organization and decorative style of any home. We pay a lot of attention to their interior structure, but don’t talk as much about how important it is to choose the correct system for opening and/or accessing them.

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5 innovations in door design

KLEIN’s award winning architectural systems are engineered to be functional, durable and aesthetic for a wide range of commercial and residential applications. While the sliding door system may not be the highest priority or focus for a designer or developer, when integrated into a building’s interior design, they elevate the look and feel of a room to a new level.

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Trends: Industrial style with KLEIN hardware

In addition to allowing sliding and folding applications without frames, KLEIN hardware are also perfect for creating interior partitions with metal frames and panels. An elegant and groundbreaking style. Several of KLEIN's most classic systems allow you to capture this attractive aesthetic and create FRAME applications with panels.

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Interiors and home office: reality and opportunities

Wotking in home has been the subject of reflection in the business world for years as a tool for family reconciliation. Home office, therefore, will be part of a new reality and living model. A new way of living at home, incorporating a professional aspect that requires certain conditions to promote both professional productivity and family happiness. In this article we explain how you can adapt your interior spaces to favor home office.

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Partitions: so many options to ensure dynamism to your interior design

Today, architecture tends more and more towards the separation of adaptable, fluid, multi-purpose spaces, which allow the division of environments according to the needs of their users. In this article we want to explain to you how the concept of the partition is changing radically, since for the architectural sector it is preferable that the only unalterable thing in the building is the structure and that the passage partitions ensure flexibility to the interior space, facilitating, in In this way, a separation of environments without work.ra.

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How to install a floor track for folding doors

All KLEIN hardware are manufactured in our own production site, with our utmost commitment to always satisfy to the highest quality standards. KLEIN guarantees the functionality and maximum durability of its systems, reason why they are submitted to the strictest durability controls. KLEIN guarantees that its systems will not suffer any depreciation or breakage, and offers all professionals and distributors up to 5 years warranty on all its skus. In this article, we explain how to install a lower guide (on the floor) for wooden folding doors.

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Modern yet warm office design

Glass and wood are the most noble materials in interior architecture. In addition to contributing aesthetically, glass ensures that you’ll be able to take advantage of all the available natural light, a source of well-being and productivity. Wood provides warmth, quality and comfort. Properly combining these two classics is undoubtedly a winning choice when it comes to office design. FRONT hardware provides an unprecedented way of uniting these two exemplary materials, combining a frameless fixed glass architectural wall with sliding wood panels.

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6 advantages of using interior glass doors in office spaces

The use of glass for interior office doors and partitions ensures a bold and unique interior design, while also offering a refreshing change of style compared to traditional walls and barriers. Glass elements have become extremely popular among architects and interior designers, professionals who know how to appreciate the psychological benefits of open and accessible work spaces.

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Main advantages of installing glass walls in your kitchen

The kitchen is traditionally a cerrado space and exclusivo en el entorno residencial debido has its main function, the kitchen. Las viviendas modernas han dinamizado the usable surface of this space. In this artículo te explicamos how to make the most of kitchen space with glass partitions, simplifying the bars and increasing the visual depth to improve the ambient functionality of the kitchen. Is the best manera para que este espacio tan característico gane en integración y protagonismo dentro de la estética del conjunto del espacio residencial.

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Folding Doors: flexible interiors

Optimizing the available area and creating flexible spaces are two of the greatest challenges when designing interiors. Let’s play with interior woodwork to create customized spaces, and** let’s think of folding doors as a way to add style and room**. Folding wood doors are an excellent alternative to traditional swing doors, offering numerous advantages and configurations for interior design.

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Heart of office design trends is PANORAMIC

Office design trends are always changing, but some things stay the same: a demand for functionality, flexibility and beauty. Our new PANORAMIC grameless gass wall hardware for sliding glass doors makes life a little easier, with an interchangeable track system, better-designed doors and the ability to change space configurations quickly and easily. We explain all its possibilities below.

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The ins and outs of pocket doors

Finding extra room in a home or office can be a challenge. As a versatile and elegant way to save space, pocket doors provide an affordable solution, that's why we tell you below. With a wide range of features, these door designs can be incorporated into commercial and residential projects alike.

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8 design choices that influence positive workplace interactions

If you’re working for an established company or corporation, it’s very likely that you spend the majority of the week at an office. In the process of sending emails, attending weekly meetings, and racing to meet deadlines. Have you ever stopped to think about how your environment is influencing your work and productivity? In this article we explain how to favor work environments from the division of spaces.

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Kitchen refurbishment: 4 key points

The most common renos are partial interventions that often require a kitchen work and budget. Your clients trust you, and that's why they ask for your opinion before making up their minds about what they really need. In this post, we suggest 4 keys to deal with the most common challenges, which you have probably been asked about hundreds of times.

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Telescopic sliding doors: feeling of spatial freedom

When carrying out a project to divide or partition the interior spaces of rooms with a large passage area, telescopic sliding doors become the perfect option to preserve light, comfort and improve the design of interior spaces with large traffic of people.

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Pioneering sustainability with Cradle to Cradle® certification

In our efforts to align our company toward creating better, more sustainable products, we at KLEIN are excited to announce our first bronze-level Cradle to Cradle certification for our award-winning NATURE hardware and aluminum guides. This certification, achieved through our partnership with the cradle-to-cradle innovation institute, speaks volumes about our dedication to innovating better, more sustainable products for designers and architects across the globe.

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The elderly and beyond: the need for adaptable housing

When it comes to designing projects, architecture professionals have started to take the physical or psychological limitations of seniors into account. For example, during the initial project design phase, they are giving consideration to the increased risk of slipping and falling, reduced or limited mobility, incontinence, memory, hearing, or vision loss, as well as feelings of loneliness or isolation, allowing them to design more adaptable and inclusive interior spaces.

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Interior doors sliding doors vs swing doors

The motivation behind many home renovations is that the homeowners want to free up more space or reorganize the home’s square footage to better meet their needs. Some other common requests include improving accessibility to a certain room or increasing the amount of natural light in part of the home. Sliding doors are a great alternative to traditional swing doors, making them an excellent complementary element to include when planning a project.

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Folding doors: An original solution for separating rooms in your projects

The folding door, traditionally known as an accordion door, has evolved a lot in recent years. It has gained in design and functionality and is known by architects as a very useful resource when it comes to designing current and personalized interiors. In this article we explain how this architectural element used more and more frequently in homes and other residential spaces can favor the composition of the space.

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FRAME: The Ultimate Solution for Flexible and Elegant Spaces

In interior design, flexibility is essential to adapt spaces to different needs without sacrificing aesthetics or functionality. FRAME presents itself as an ideal solution, standing out for its minimalist and elegant design. This system allows the creation of multifunctional spaces, subdividing large areas into specific zones for different activities without compromising spaciousness, maximizing the use of space and adapting to the needs of users.